Buffalo Bolognese

Büffel Bolognese Büffel Bolognese - der italienische Klassiker neu interpretiert mit unserem Hackfleisch vom Büffel. Intensiver im Geschmack trotz niedrigerem Fettgehalt, Büffel Bill macht's möglich. ZUTATEN BOLOGNESE: 500 g Büffel Hackfleisch 3 Karotten

Buffalo Bolognese-the Italian classic reinterpreted with our buffalo minced meat. More intense in taste despite lower fat content, Buffalo Bill makes it possible.



  • 500g Buffalo minced meat
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 500 ml of Passed Tomatoes
  • 250 ml Rotwein (z.B. Amarone)
  • 1 EL Oregano getrocknet
  • 1 tbsp basil dried
  • Salt, pepper


  1. Sauté the buffalo minced meat in a saucepan with a little olive oil and then remove it again.
  2. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry too, then add the minced meat and the chopped carrots. Steam briefly, then reduce the heat and add the tomatoes and red wine that have passed.
  3. Add oregano and basil, season with salt and pepper and simmer on a small heat for several hours. Ideally
    Several times warm up.
  4. For a better taste, a shot of bone jus can also be added, but beef stock can also do it if necessary.

Many thanks to cookbook author, food blogger and photographer Heiko Blumentritt for recipe and photography.

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