
Büffel Delikatessen to Go

Buffalo Delicatessen to Go

When things have to go quickly Who hasn’t experienced it: After a long and exhausting day at work, the motivation to cook elaborate meals is often zero. But that doesn’t mean you have to miss out...

Cremige Verführung aus Süditalien

Creamy seduction from southern Italy

Try Buffalo Bill’s Burrata now What is it called again? Hard shell soft core. Admittedly, this image is only partially true for our Burrata di Bufala – but this classic cheese also delights wi...

Sterneküche für Zuhause

Star cuisine for home

Exclusive Cooking Boxes By Buffalo Bill and Benjamin Maerz Tired of always cooking the same thing? With the new cooking boxes fromBuffalo BillAnd top chefBenjamin MaerzYour own kitchen becomes a...

Sommer, Sonne, Bratwurst

Summer, sun, bratwurst

Redefine Bill Bratwurst with Buffalo Fresh from the grill and a spicy taste: the classic bratwurst is simply part of the summer. That's why we have inBuffalo Bill Online Shop Now also differentBuff...

So wird jede Grillparty zum Erfolg

This is how every barbecue party becomes a success

Secure the Buffalo Bill garden speaker now What would a summer weekend be withoutBarbecue party? Especially at the current temperatures, the tempting scent ofFreshly grilled meatAgain through the w...

Vorspeisenteller - Die Kunst der Präsentation

Appetizer plate-The art of presentation

How do you say so beautifully? “The eye eats with you.” That's why we're withBuffalo BillImportant not only what is served on the plate, but also how it is presented. Not only main dishes can...

Vorspeise auf Italienisch

Appetizer in Italian

If you want to enjoy authentic Italian, you should have a good appetite-because in the south four different courses are traditionally served. The classic ones make the startAntipasti. But what exac...

Färse statt Ferse

Heifer instead of heel

There's nothing better than a deliciousPot Roast, Steaming potato dumplings and a spicy red wine sauce. Which meat do we prefer to use for this? Of course, our tender heifer meat. Moment mal, was?...

Büffelfleisch als bewusste Alternative In der heutigen Zeit, in der Umwelt- und Gesundheitsbewusstsein eine immer größere Bedeutung erlangen, rückt eine gesunde Ernährung besonders in den Fokus: Ein hoher Gemüseanteil, reduzierter Zucker- und Kohlenhydrat

Buffalo meat as a conscious alternative

We at Buffalo Bill are aware of the responsibility and take the nutritional values Of our products Under the microscope. After all, not only the classics are like eggs or Dairy products ...