Involtini from the hip, with mozzarella, bresaola & polenta

Involtini von der Hüfte, mit Mozzarella, Bresaola & Polenta Eine wahre Delikatesse mit verschiedensten Elementen vom Büffel. Hüftsteaks, Mozzarella und Bresaola lassen das Gericht zum Gaumenschmaus werden. Zutaten für 4 Personen: 4 Stück Büffel Hüftsteaks
A true delicacy with a variety of buffalo elements. Sirloin steaks, mozzarella and bresaola make the dish a culinary delight.
Ingredients for 4 persons:
  • 4 pieces of buffalo skirt steaks
  • 80g buffalo bresaola
  • 40 g dried tomatoes
  • 2 pieces of Boccone di Bufala Campana DOP
  • 20g roasted pine nuts

  • 140g corn semolina
  • 800ml whole milk
  • 400ml cream
  • 1 tbsp butter

  • 400g colorful seasonal vegetables (e.g. beetroot, turnips, asparagus, broccoli or cherry tomatoes)
  • 400ml veal stock
  • 100ml port wine

  1. In a large pot, bring the milk, cream and butter to the boil while stirring. Season with salt, pepper and chopped thyme and carefully stir in the corn semolina. Then cook over a low heat for about 30-45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Finally, taste again.
  2. Flatten the steaks between some foil with a meat mallet and season both sides with salt and pepper. Then fill with the remaining ingredients and roll together. Secure with a piece of kitchen twine and a toothpick.
  3. In the same pan, cook the chopped vegetables until al dente and season with salt and pepper. Finally add the butter to the vegetables.
  4. Put both liquids in a saucepan and reduce by a third over medium heat. Season with salt, pepper and sugar to taste.

Bon appetit!

We would like to thank Eric Reeh for the successful delicacy and hope you enjoy preparing it!
Click here to go directly to his homepage:

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