Collaboration between NEUE MEERE and BÜFFEL BILL

Zusammenarbeit von NEUE MEERE und BÜFFEL BILL Zusammen mit Ludwig von Neue Meere hatten wir ein sehr schönes Gespräch über die Nachhaltigkeit seiner Garnellen Zucht. Dabei kam uns auch die Idee das wir zusammen Arbeiten sollten und eine Surf & Turf Bo

Together with Ludwig von Neue Meere we had a very nice conversation about the sustainability of his shrimp farming. We also came up with the idea that we should work together and design a surf & turf box together.

But before we rave about our new delicacy box, let's talk about fishing the shrimp.

The shrimps are fished fresh daily based on customer orders. This happens in the 6 pools filled with salt water, which are spread over two floors. The pools each contain 115,000 liters of water and are 19 meters by 4 meters in size. The water level is 1.50 meters. After the shrimp have been added, there are approximately 100,000 to 150,000 shrimp in each tank.

To fish for the shrimp, a trawl net is first spread out in each tank and pulled from one end of the tank to the other by Tarek and the production employee Henning.
The shrimps collected are then fished out of the trawl net using a landing net.

After several landing net operations (varies depending on the stocking density), the trawl net is emptied and the passage through the pool with the trawl net is repeated several times depending on the amount of shrimp required.
After fishing with the landing net, the shrimp are placed in a container with warm system water in order to then be transported further for electrical stunning. After anesthesia, they are immediately placed in ice water. The killed shrimp are then further processed with the constant addition of ice to maintain the cold chain.
Further processing consists of washing, weighing, packaging and vacuum sealing the shrimp.

If customers want the shrimp “easy peel” (headless) or “ready to cook” (completely deveined and peeled), the animals are also peeled or deveined (in parts). This is followed by storage in the refrigerator and delivery to our customers within 24 hours.

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