Calmund: “The buffalo mozzarella is the next level”

Calmund: "Der Büffelmozzarella ist die nächste Stufe" Kürzlich hatten wir das große Vergnügen uns beim Meet & Grill von DON CARNE mit dem außerordentlich symatischen Reiner Calmund über unsere Delikatessen auszutauschen und ihm eine Kostprobe unseres
We recently had the great pleasure of attending the Meet & Grill DON CARNE to exchange ideas about our delicacies with the extremely personable Reiner Calmund and to give him a sample of our Mozzarella di Bufala DOP. He liked our buffalo mozzarella so much that he described it as "the next level" and compared it to burrata in its creaminess.
Of course, we are particularly pleased with this expert feedback! Reiner Calmund, who originally became known through his career in professional football, has made a name for himself in the food scene and is, for example, on the jury for the TV show Grill den Henssler.

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