Buffalo burger with Mozzarella Di Bufala Campana DOP

Büffel Burger mit Mozzarella Di Bufala Campana D.O.P. Dieser Büffelburger ist etwas für wahre Feinschmecker - gegrilltes Burgerpatty aus Rib Eye vom Wasserbüffel mit Mozzarella di Bufala Campana D.O.P. Zutaten für zwei Personen: 2 Burger Patties: Gourmet

This buffalo burger is for true gourmets - grilled rib eye burger patty from water buffalo with mozzarella di bufala Campana D.O.P.

Ingredients for two people:

  • 2 Burger Patties: Gourmet Burger oder Prime Rib Burger


  • 250 g Büffelmozzarella
  • some fresh basil
  • 2 onions
  • Amarone
  • Bone Jus


  • 4 brioche buns
  • Arugula or iceberg lettuce
  • Salt
  • Pfeffer


  1. Coarsely grind the buffalo meat and season with smoked salt. From the minced meat4 patties
    and chill for at least 2 hours.
  2. Caramelize the mushrooms (coarsely chopped) and onions into strips in a pan, deglaze with bone jus and Amarone.
  3. Cut open the brioche buns, brush the cut surfaces with butter and roast. Then brush the insides with yellow tomato ketchup.
  4. Fry the patties on the grill medium, after turning a slice
    Place buffalo mozzarella (0.5 to 1.0 cm) on top of the patty and cook while cooking.
    of the second side. Roast time approx. 2 minutes per side.
  5. Top the bottom half of the rolls with either a leaf of iceberg lettuce or rocket. Then spread the caramelized mushrooms and onions on top of the salad.
  6. The patty with the buffalo mozzarella is served on the bun and topped with fresh basil.
  7. Finish with the top half of the bun – the buffalo mozzarella burger is ready.

Many thanks to cookbook author, food blogger and photographer Heiko Blumentritt for recipe and photography.

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