Buffalo cannelloni from the Dutch oven

Büffel Cannelloni aus dem Dutch Ofen Köstliche Büffel Cannelloni aus dem Dutch Oven. Büffel Hackfleisch an einer super leckeren Sauce aus Tomaten, Zwiebeln und Erbsen – in der heißen Glut mit Käse überbacken. ZUTATEN 1,5 kg Büffel Hackfleisch 250 g Erbsen

Delicious buffalo cannelloni from the Dutch oven. Buffalo minced meat in a super delicious sauce made from tomatoes, onions and peas - baked in the hot embers with cheese.


  • 1.5 kg buffalo minced meat
  • 250g peas
  • 150 g cheese for gratinating
  • 750 ml tomato sauce
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 3 small onions
  • 75g crème fraîche
  • 5 tbsp Spice to taste
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 1.5 packs of cannelloni


  • First, fry the minced buffalo meat with the finely chopped onions. Since the meat continues to cook in the Dutch oven, you should only fry it briefly.
  • As soon as the first roasted aromas have emerged, deglaze the minced meat with the tomato sauce, add peas, diced tomatoes and spices and bring the whole thing to a boil briefly.
  • Now fill the cannelloni with the sauce, layer them in the Dutch oven and cover them with a little more sauce and crème fraîche. This is repeated until the cannelloni and sauce are completely used up. Finally, distribute the cheese on the cannelloni and close the lid of the Dutch oven
  • Finally, the Dutch oven can be covered with either charcoal, briquettes or hot embers from the fire. In total, it takes about 1 hour for the cannelloni to finish cooking, although some embers may need to be added towards the end. The buffalo cannelloni from the Dutch oven are ready.

Bon appetite!

Many thanks to BBQ world champion and food blogger Camillo “Don Caruso” Tomanek for the recipe and photography.

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