Crunchy buffalo burger with potato rosti

Juicy gourmet minced meat from Büffel Bill - made from high-quality rib-eye steaks with crispy potato rosti and red cabbage. An exceptional burger!


for 4 people:


Form our buffalo minced meat into 180g patties. Alternatively, we also offer hand-formed 180g patties in our shop.

Prepare the red cabbage and set aside. Peel the potatoes and grate them into long lines using a peeler or grater. Wash them thoroughly to remove most of the starch.

Drain the “potato noodles” and fry them in butter until golden brown. Stem the Brussels sprouts, remove the outer leaves and finally toss the Brussels sprouts in butter.

Cut the buns open, fry them briefly and then set them aside. Grill the burger patties medium or fry them in the pan.

Cover the bottom half of the buns with the Brussels sprouts and add some BBQ sauce on top. Now follow the burger patties and finally the red cabbage and the hash browns. Top the buffalo burgers with the top half of the buns and arrange on a plate.

Bon appetite

Many thanks to Tobias Oehlke and Kevin Simpson from Uncle Kethe for the recipe and photography.

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