Buffalo meatballs Tuscany filled with buffalo mozzarella

Büffel Hackbällchen Toskana gefüllt mit Büffelmozzarella Hackbällchen mal anders: In leckere Toamtensoße und gefüllt mit cremigen Büffelmozzarella zauberst du ganz schnell ein echtes Festmahl auf die Teller. Zutaten (für 6 Personen): 1kg Büffelhackfleisch

Meatballs with a difference: in a delicious tomato sauce and filled with creamy buffalo mozzarella, you can quickly conjure up a real feast on your plate.

Ingredients (for 6 people):

  • 1kg minced buffalo meat
  • 300g buffalo mozzarella
  • 100g breadcrumbs
  • 1.5 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 egg
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1000g pureed tomatoes
  • 200ml cream
  • Mediterranean spice
  • some olive oil
  • fresh basil for garnish

preparation (in a Dutch oven or a regular pot on the stove):

Knead a minced meat mixture from minced meat, egg, breadcrumbs, mustard, garlic, Mediterranean spices, salt and pepper and let it sit in the fridge for 20 minutes.

Form the minced meat mixture into small balls and work small balls of buffalo mozzarella into the middle of the balls.

Fry the minced meat balls all over in the hot pot until the balls have a nice brown color. Briefly remove the balls from the top.

Add the pureed tomatoes and cream to the pot.

Season with some more Mediterranean spices.

Add the meatballs again and simmer over a low heat for about 30 minutes.

Finally sprinkle with fresh basil.

Ribbon noodles or tagliatelle go perfectly with this.

Many thanks to outdoor chef Mc.Ellisda for this great recipe! Click here for his YouTube channel and the recipe video .

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