Gratinated buffalo fillet with cashew and cranberry with three types of green asparagus

Gratiniertes Büffelfilet mit Cashew und Cranberry mit 3erlei vom grünen Spargel Extravagantes Büffelfilet mit einer Kombination edelster Zutaten. Cashews, Cranberry und grüner Spargel sind die perfekte Ergänzung zu unserem zarten Büffel Filet. Zutaten (Sc

Extravagant buffalo fillet with a combination of the finest ingredients. Cashews, cranberries and green asparagus are the perfect complement to our tender buffalo fillet.

Ingredients (Step 1) :
- 600g buffalo fillet medallions
- 1 tbsp butter, soft
- 1 tablespoon cashews, coarsely chopped
- 1 tbsp cranberry, dried
- 2-3 tbsp panko or breadcrumbs
- Salt and pepper

Preparation (Step 1):
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Then put it in the cold. Lightly salt the meat, sear it on both sides and cook it in the oven for about 4 minutes at 180 degrees until medium. Spread the crust over the meat and gratinate in the oven using grill settings.

Ingredients (Step 2):
- 200g fregola
- 1 tbsp butter
- 1 onion
- 1 tbsp crème fraîche 50g grated parmesan

Preparation (Step 2):
Cook the onions in the butter in a pot until translucent, add the fregola and pour in about 500ml of water. Cook until slightly al dente and add a little more water if necessary. Finally season with salt and pepper and finish with crème fraîche and parmesan.

Ingredients (Step 3):
- 500g green asparagus
- 100g cherry tomatoes
- 1/2 bunch of spring onions
- 150g mixed mushrooms olive oil
- Salt and pepper

Preparation (Step 3):
Clean the vegetables and fry the asparagus in a little olive oil in a pan for about 3 minutes. Then add the sliced ​​mushrooms and after another 2 minutes, spring onions and halved cherry tomatoes.

Ingredients (Step 4):
- 400ml veal stock
- 100ml port wine

Preparation (Step 4):
Put both liquids in a saucepan and reduce to a third over medium heat. Season with salt, pepper and sugar to taste.

Many thanks to event chef Eric Reeh for this great recipe! Click here for his website:

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