Buffalo roast beef from the smoker

Büffel Roastbeef aus dem Smoker Unser Büffel Roastbeef aus dem Smoker setzt neue Maßstäbe. BBQ Weltmeister Camillo "Don Caruso" Tomanek verwandelt unser Gourmet Roastbeef in die besten Sandwiches der Welt. ZUTATEN BÜFFEL ROASTBEEF: 2,5 kg Büffel Roastbeef

Our buffalo roast beef from the smoker sets new standards. BBQ world champion Camillo "Don Caruso" Tomanek transforms our gourmet roast beef into the best sandwiches in the world.



  • 2.5 kg Buffalo roast beef
  • 2 tsp salt flakes or sea salt
  • 3 THE Don Marco's King Cacao Rub
  • (Alternatively, a spice mix that goes with beef)


  • 2 slices of toast
  • 1 Egg (heart bought)
  • 1 leaf fresh, crunchy salad
  • 3 slices of bacon
  • 2 slices of cheese


  • Mayonnaise
  • Mustard
  • Salt
  • Pfeffer


  1. Mix salt flakes and Don Marcos's King Cacao Rub. Cut off the fat lid on the roast beef and season with the rub/salt mixture. Then approx. Leave for 3 hours.
  2. Heating up the grill, grate the buffalo meat briefly and sharply and then smoken at 70-90 ° C (the lower the better) up to a core temperature of 60 ° C. Camillo himself scoured the roast beef at 72 ° C for almost 3 hours.
  3. Slice the leftover roast beef lukewarm.
  4. Roast the bacon crispy and place on a piece of kitchen paper. Leave the bacon fat in the pan for the next step.
  5. Briefly fry the toast slices in the bacon fat.
  6. Now wash the salad and cut the hard-boiled eggs into thin slices.
  7. If desired, top a slice of toast with lettuce, cheese, egg, bacon and roast beef. Then season the sandwich with mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper and finish with a second slice of toast as a lid.

Many thanks to BBQ world champion and food blogger Camillo “Don Caruso” Tomanek for recipe and photography.

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