Pink boiled beef in balsamic sauce with braised vegetables

Rosa Tafelspitz in Balsamicosauce mit Schmorgemüse Die Sous-Vide-Methode: Perfekter Gargrad garantiertWas nach einer aufwändigen und komplizierten Sterne-Küche klingt – und dort auch verwendet wird – ist eigentlich relativ simpel und ideal für alle, die S

The sous vide method: perfect cooking guaranteed
What sounds like an elaborate and complicated star kitchen - and is actually used there - is actually relatively simple and ideal for anyone who has difficulty getting their products to the desired degree of doneness. Meat, fish or vegetables are vacuum packed and brought to the desired core temperature in a water bath. Ideal, for example, for steaks, which you can give a perfect pink tone and then fry them very hot for a short time to get the desired crust.

Ingredients for the boiled beef:

  • 1.50 kg boiled beef from water buffalo
  • 500 ml water
  • 75.0 g gravy, instant
  • 40.0 ml dark balsamic vinegar (6%)
  • 220 g yellow carrots
  • 220g carrots
  • 220 g purple carrots
  • 220 g celery stalks
  • 210g red onions
  • 20.0 ml liquid fat cream with butter flavor
  • 5.0 g sea salt flakes
  • 1.0 g pepper cuvée
  • 10.0 g flat-leaf parsley

If necessary, trim the meat and pat dry.
Mix half of the water with the sauce powder and balsamic vinegar and bring to the boil. Then stir in the remaining cold water to cool the sauce down a bit.
Place the meat and the cooled sauce in a cooking bag, vacuum seal and then cook sous-vide in a water bath at 56 °C for approx. 15 hours.

Remove the boiled beef from the bag and bring the dark stock to the boil. Boil the liquid until it is reduced by about a third and season to taste.
Portion the meat shortly before serving.

To store the meat, chill it in ice water immediately after cooking. For further processing, heat it again in a water bath.
Clean the vegetables. Cut the carrots and celery into large pieces and the onions into large wedges.

Then sauté everything in Butter Flavor until al dente, season with salt and pepper, pour in some of the boiled beef stock and reduce.
Cut the parsley into julienne pieces and fold it into the vegetables.

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