Sauerbraten from the buffalo semer roll

Sauerbraten von der Büffel Semerrolle Ein wahres Festmahl aus bestem Büffelbraten, Rotweinkreationen und leckerem Gemüse. Was kann´s besseres geben für einen besonderen Anlass? ZUTATEN 1,5kg Büffelbraten 1 Stk. Karotte 1/2 Stk. Knollensellerie 1 Stk Zwieb

A true feast of the best buffalo roast, red wine creations and delicious vegetables. What could be better for a special occasion?


  • 1.5kg buffalo roast
  • 1 pc. carrot
  • 1/2 piece celeriac
  • 1 piece of onion
  • 600ml red wine
  • 400 ml port wine, red
  • 150ml red wine vinegar
  • 2 leaves of bay leaf
  • 2 pcs clove
  • 5 pcs allspice
  • 10 pcs peppercorns


Clean the vegetables, dice them roughly and bring them to the boil with the remaining ingredients
Let it cool and marinate the bread roll in it for at least 4 days.

  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp sunflower oil

Remove the semer roll from the stock, pat dry, salt and then put in a casserole dish
Heat to high heat and fry the meat in sunflower oil. After 5 minutes the vegetables,
Add brown sugar and tomato paste and continue frying for about 4 minutes. Then with the
Deglaze the marinade and add the beef stock.

Now cover and braise at 130 degrees for about 2-3 hours. Then let it cool overnight.

Remove the meat from the stock and portion it. Pour the stock through a sieve and boil down
When the desired consistency is reached, add the sliced ​​dates and add
Salt and pepper to taste.

  • 2 layers of pie dough
  • 200g sweet potato
  • 4 tablespoons red cabbage, cooked
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch

Grate the sweet potato coarsely and mix it with the red cabbage, then season with salt and pepper
Season to taste and mix with the starch.

  • 100g butter, melted

To make the strudel, spread butter on one layer of strudel dough and place the second layer on top.
then cut into 4 equal pieces. Spread the filling on the bottom part of the dough
Fold sides together and roll together. Then with the remaining butter
Spread and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Garnish: fried mushrooms, pistachios, bacon and mini carrots cooked sous vide.

Heat the meat in the sauce over medium heat, along with the strudel on a plate
Arrange and finish with remaining ingredients.

We would like to thank Eric Reeh for the successful feast and wish you a lot of fun preparing it and enjoy your meal!

Click here to go directly to his homepage:

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