Buffalo bratwurst

Bratwurst vom Büffel Auch Bratwürste können eine Delikatesse sein. Wir zeigen wie man Bratwürste vom Büffel selbst macht. Kochbuchautor Heiko Blumentritt hat dafür zwei äußerst leckere Variationen kreiert. ROTWEIN BRATWÜRSTE ZUTATEN 1 kg Büffel Hackfleisc

Also, sausages can be a delicacy. We show how to make buffalo sausages yourself. Cookbook author Heiko Blumentritt has created two extremely delicious variations for this.



  • 1 kg buffalo minced meat
  • 20g salt
  • 5g sugar
  • 10g fried onions
  • 2g pepper
  • 0.5 g Koriander
  • 0.3 g Piment
  • 2 g Majoran 2 g
  • 250 ml red wine



  • 1 kg buffalo minced meat
  • 20g salt
  • 4g sugar
  • 20g onion powder
  • 2g pepper
  • 0.5g nutmeg
  • 0.5 g Majoran
  • 250 ml Bier


  1. First, all the ingredients for the sausages from the buffalo are placed in a bowl and mixed well.
  2. Now you fill the mixed ingredients into a 26/28 caliber gut.
  3. Now the buffalo sausages are ready for the grill. If there is no grill, you can of course also prepare them in the pan.

Many thanks to cookbook author, food blogger and photographer Heiko Blumentritt for recipe and photography.

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