Burrata on a bed of lettuce, with rocket pesto and orange dressing

Burrata auf Salatbett, mit Ruccolapesto & Orangen-Dressing Der klassische Burrata kann auch aufregend sein: Dank einem selbstgemachten Rucolapesto und fruchtigem Orangen-Dressing kommt es zu einem ganz besonderen Geschmackserlebnis. Zutaten für 4 Personen
The classic burrata can also be exciting: thanks to a homemade rocket pesto and fruity orange dressing, it is a very special taste experience.
Ingredients for 4 persons:
  • 4 Burrata di Bufala
  • 200g field and rocket salad
  • 300g mixed cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 30g roasted pine nuts


  • 100g rocket
  • 50g pecorino
  • 100 ml rapeseed oil
  • 30ml Jordan olive oil

Orange dressing:

  • 300ml orange juice
  • 150ml Jordan olive oil
  • as required: salt, pepper and olive oil

  1. Pour the orange juice into a saucepan and reduce to 1/4 over medium heat and allow to cool. Then put it in a mixing bowl and slowly mix in the olive oil with a hand blender. Season with salt and pepper
  2. For the pesto, cut the rocket into small pieces and mix with the remaining ingredients. Then season with salt and pepper.
  3. Wash the rocket and lamb's lettuce, spin dry and mix with the orange dressing. Arrange on a plate with the cherry tomatoes and pine nuts. Then add the burrata to the salad and garnish with the pesto.

Bon appetit!

We would like to thank Eric Reeh for the successful delicacy and hope you enjoy preparing it!
Click here to go directly to his homepage: www.ericreeh.de

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